Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Look whos one!

Holy Cow..... Reese is one!! Where did the time go? Its amazing that he has made it this far with parents like Aaron and myself. Mostly myself, I'm a little accident prone. What a blessing he is to us. I never knew I could love somebody so much. No matter what is going on he is always so happy to see us. I love that. He has been so fun to have around. He is the happiest baby ever and so content. Happy Birthday to my sweet baby Reese. We love you so much!! Let's look back on all the pictures of how fast he's grown. Here's our little man....

Reese and mom.... June 18, 2008. Look at all my hair!

Reese and Dad.... a couple days old!
Just chilling! Three weeks old!

Five weeks old... havin' a bath in Great Grandpa
Duane's sink! So stinking cute!

What a handsome fellow on his blessing day
August 31, 2008. Two and a half months old.

Our happy family!

Reese in his boots that are way to BIG but
cute. I couldn't resist putting them on him for
a picture.

What a cute little lion! Halloween 2008. Four and a
half months.
Aunt Mandi's idea to stuff me in a

Ho Ho Ho! Five months old already! The cutest
Santa I ever did see.
What a handsome dude! Eight months old.
Look at me in my bunny ears and new church

Easter Day! In front of the wagon in front of Grandpa
Jones' house. Ten months old.
Reese and Great Grandpa Duane on my birthday!
Reese and mom in Granpa Duanes backyard!

Reese and the girls!
Getting ready to go swimming on my birthday!
Party Party.... June 27 2009! Yummy, yummy!
Lovin' the cake.
Present time.... He got way to spoiled!
We tried to do a photo shoot with all his fun gifts,
but it didn't turn out to good. This is what we got.
Happy Birthday Reese! We love you so much!


  1. Glad you finally blogged. 2 Months later. My blog was the sweet and short verison; yours didn't leave out one bit of his life!(: I love you.

  2. The pumpkin & cake pics are my fav! Too cute, looks like you guys have a blast!
